Practice Office Policy


HUM2N Terms and Conditions of Service


Please read these terms and conditions carefully as these terms set out the terms and conditions on which we will provide our services to you.  






Who we are and how to contact us:


We are HUM2N, operating under HUM2N Health ltd and are registered in England and Wales under company number 13410936 and have our registered address at 35 Ixworth Place, London, SW3 3QX


To contact us please email or call 02045797473



If you do not agree to these terms, you must not purchase any services from us.  If you purchase services from us, you hereby consent to any assessments that are conducted, the advice provided, and the treatments offered.


We recommend that you print a copy of these terms for future reference.



1.   HUM2N Health Programs



1.1       Our Health Programs offer the practices of Lifestyle Medicine, Functional Medicine, Nutritional Therapy and Health and Life Coaching further described as

(a)     Lifestyle Medicine is the practice of changing your lifestyle in order to treat and prevent disease.  Lifestyle Medicine addresses 6 key pillars – nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, community and reduction of harmful substances;

(b)     Functional Medicine is the practice of assessing one’s systems-based biology and identifying and addressing root causes for health problems.  Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to your illness.  The health practitioner will use a timeline to detail your history from birth which will enable these root causes to be identified;

(c)      Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in addressing health problems.  Nutritional Therapy health practitioners assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to your symptoms and health concerns;

(d)     Health Coaching is centred around improving your quality of life by supporting you and helping you make sustainable and constructive shifts in their habits and behaviours that will optimise your health and life experiences.

This integrated approach allows us to work with you to address all of your potential health concerns (such as your lifestyle habits, and nutritional imbalances) and will enable us to help support your body towards healing and maintaining optimal health.  Our approach is relevant for all individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and well-being.


1.2       Our health practitioners consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalised nutrition and lifestyle programs rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.  Our health practitioners will never recommend treatments as a replacement for conventional medical advice and will always refer any individual with ‘red flag’ signals or symptoms to their medical professional.  They will also frequently communicate with other health professionals involved in the individual’s care to explain any treatment program that has been provided.



1.3 For HUM2N Health Packages and Memberships:


  1. Non-Transferrable: The health service packages and memberships offered are non-transferrable. They are intended for the personal use of the individual who purchased the package and cannot be transferred to another person.

  2. Cancellation Policy: A cancellation policy applies to all health service packages and memberships. If you wish to cancel or reschedule a scheduled appointment or session, please provide at least 48 hours notice as specified in the cancellation policy. Failure to comply with the cancellation policy may result in the forfeiture of the session and a cancellation fee being charged for the pro-rata cost of that appointment/service. 

  3. The Health Membership: 

    1. The health membership is a 12 month minimum term.

    2. Membership automatically renews after 12 months.

    3. After the 12 month minimum term the cancellation notice is 1 month's notice in writing to

    4. The Health Membership cannot be frozen.

  4. The Lounge Membership: 

    1. The Lounge membership is a 3 month minimum term.

    2. The Lounge membership will continue monthly until instructed in writing to terminate the membership at 1 month's notice.

    3. After the 12 month minimum term the cancellation notice is 1 month's notice in writing to

    4. The Lounge Membership can be frozen for up to 1 month with 14 days notice to

  5. Redemption Period: All services included in the health service package or membership must be redeemed within a period of 12 months (unless otherwise specified) from the date of purchase. Any unused services after this period will expire and become invalid.

  6. No Refunds: We do not offer refunds for health service packages or memberships once they have been purchased. It is your responsibility to ensure that the services provided align with your needs and expectations before making a purchase.

  7. Treatment Credit: In special circumstances, such as medical emergencies or unforeseen situations, treatment credit may be granted at the discretion of management. This credit can be redeemed for future services and must be used within the specified time frame communicated by HUM2N. 

  8. Cannot Roll Over: Unused services or treatment credit cannot be rolled over to the following year or any other time period beyond the initial redemption period stated in these terms and conditions. It is important to utilise all services within the specified timeframe.

  9. By purchasing a health service package or membership, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. It is recommended that you carefully review and understand these terms before making a purchase. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please reach out to our customer service team.

  10. Membership Billing

If you choose to opt for the monthly subscription, your membership fee payments will be charged to your credit card on a recurring basis. You hereby agree to allow HUM2N to securely store your credit/debit card information (the “Payment Method”). You authorise the Payment Method to be used automatically for your payment responsibilities to HUM2N. If a credit card account is being used for a transaction, HUM2N may obtain pre-approval for an amount up to the amount of the payment. If you want to designate a different payment method or if there is a change in your Payment Method information, you can change the information with HUM2N. This may temporarily delay your ability to make online payments while HUM2N verifies the new payment information. You represent and warrant that: (1) any credit/debit card information you supply is true, correct, and complete, (2) charges you incur will be honoured by your credit/debit card company, (3) you will pay the charges incurred in the amounts posted, including any applicable taxes, and (4) you are the person in whose name the credit/debit card was issued and are authorised to make a purchase or other transaction with the relevant credit/debit card and information. You agree and authorise the Payment Method to be billed automatically in accordance with the Membership Fee Payment Schedule in an amount equal to the Membership Fee in effect for your Membership Term.


If HUM2N is unable to secure funds from your debit/credit card(s) for any reason, including, but not limited to, insufficient funds in the debit/credit card or insufficient or inaccurate information provided by you when submitting electronic payment, HUM2N may undertake further collection action, including the application of fees to the extent permitted by law.



You have the right to revoke this authorisation by contacting HUM2N at at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled payment date. You understand that your Membership may be cancelled or withheld if you revoke this authorisation, and you are still responsible for all charges you incur or otherwise owe to HUM2N. This authorisation will remain in full force and effect until revoked by you or HUM2N.



If you wish to purchase your membership in one single sum, the initial payment must be made before your Membership commences. 



1.4 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 


a. HUM2N Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 5 Day Pass

HUM2N Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 5 Day Pass offers 5 consecutive visits (excluding Sundays) x 30 mins Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions 

b. The HUM2N Chamber is designed to accommodate up to 4 people. If you book for fewer than 4 people, you may be sharing the chamber with other clients. We cannot guarantee that you will have the chamber to yourself.


1.5 HUM2N Lounge and Therapies



  1. Should a practitioner deem a therapy unsuitable based on medical grounds, your appointment will be subject to cancellation, and an administration fee of 25% may be charged. 




2. How you book your appointment and make payment



2.1 For In clinic appointments: Please contact or call 02045797473 to book your appointment. 

For Health Programs: Please contact You will be required to make payment at the point of booking for the services you elect to purchase.  


Once your booking is confirmed by us, we may send you a questionnaire requesting that you provide us with personal details including but not limited to your medical history and family medical history and a 7 Day Food Diary.  If you fail to submit your questionnaire and food diary within 5 working days before the scheduled appointment, we may reschedule your booking. As such it is recommended initial appointments are made a minimum of 1 week in advance.


2.2 All bookings must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance by which point booking will close. If you would like a more urgent appointment i.e., within 48 hours, please contact us by calling 02045797473 or emailing us at to confirm the availability of the practitioner. 

2.3 HUM2N does not participate with or bill commercial health insurance plans. HUM2N may recommend you receive services not offered by our company (e.g., specialty services, diagnostic tests), but in no event will HUM2N be responsible for any resulting medical bills. 

2.4 You are solely responsible for payment of all fees for HUM2N’s services. If you do have health insurance, your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. It is your responsibility to know your benefits, and how they will apply to your benefit payments. HUM2N takes no responsibility to understand or be bound by the terms and conditions of such insurance. There is no guarantee your insurance company will make any payment on the cost of the services you have purchased.


3. We may make changes to these terms


We may amend these terms from time to time. Every time you make a booking, please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. These terms were most recently reviewed in March 2024. We will try to give you reasonable notice before we make any major changes.


4. The services


4.1 Subject to clause 6 below, we will endeavour to supply the services to you at the time and date of the bookings.

 4.2 The services we provide do not replace your regular care by your routine healthcare professional (such as but not limited to your GP).

 4.3 We do not offer acute medical services which must be dealt with by the appropriate service (such as A&E or your GP).

4.4 You agree that in order for us to provide you with the services, you must make available your full medical history (including but not limited to the provision of a list of your diagnoses, medications and supplements) in order for the team to make accurate assessments and management plans. 

4.5 You acknowledge that the treatment plan offered will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed upon between both parties. 

4.6 For remote consultations, you will need a full working internet connection with access to the video platform of our choice (Zoom).  If you are unable to connect to the scheduled appointment at the time for any reason, then you will be charged the full appointment fee. If you are late for the appointment (unless it is in the instance of the death of a family member or friend, serious illness or injury, or force majeure event), the duration of the appointment will be reduced by the number of minutes you are late. The practitioner may convert your appointment into a telephone consultation if you are having difficulties connecting to the video platform. Recording of the consultation is not allowed without our prior written permission.

 4.7 Any additional patient encounters including but not limited to consultations, emails, phone calls, administration time (outside of the set packages of appointments) will be set at a pro-rata fee 

4.8 You acknowledge that appointments may be offered in packages, and your progression through the packages will be determined by the treating doctor or clinician. Extra admin charges may apply to these appointments in the circumstances where there are new health concerns, extra research and/ or lab testing is required. 

 4.9 For 4 and 6 month packages, you are required to give a one month notice to terminate the package and your money will be refunded for the pro-rata duration you have left after this notice period. Any costs relating to testing will also be deducted prior to issuing a refund. 

4.10 Your chosen package will expire according to the set expiry dates of the program. For 8 week programs, this expires at 4 months, for 4 month programs this expires at 8 months, and for 6 month programs this expires at 12 months. 

4.11 Consultations may be recorded by the practitioners using a GDPR secure / HIPAA compliant system to aid with their clinical note taking


5. Your right to cancel

5.1 You may cancel or rearrange an appointment for the services by calling us on 02045797473 or writing to us at or directly on F365’s booking platform 

5.2  If you cancel an appointment within seven (7) days of the scheduled appointment date, we reserve the right to charge you a cancellation fee.

5.3 If you cancel within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment then an assigned cancellation fee for that appointment will be charged which is currently set at 50% of the consultation cost (pro-rata fees apply for packages and programmes). This clause 5.3 will not apply to cancellations made as a result of death, serious illness or injury, force majeure or IT failure


6. Our rights to cancel


6.1 We have the right to cancel an appointment for any reason given in clause 8.  If we are unable to agree with you an alternative date and time we will refund to you the amounts already paid at a pro-rata rate for the missed appointment within the set package fee

6.2 If a Practitioner is unwell or is required to take emergency leave, we will contact you as soon as reasonably practicable and we will try our best to agree with you a new date and time for an appointment. 

6.3 We may also cancel any appointment if we, in our reasonable opinion, feel that you are in material breach of these terms.


7. Our liability to you

7.1 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for:

(a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors;

(b) our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

(c) breach of the terms implied by sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (description, satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and samples); and

(d) defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

 7.2 You acknowledge that the services are provided to you by professional healthcare workers engaged by us for that purpose and any claim relating to the negligent performance of the services should be brought directly against the professional healthcare worker who delivered the treatment to you.

7.3 We will be responsible for direct loss or damage you suffer caused by our breach of the terms or caused by our negligence. We are not, however, responsible to you for any loss or damage that we could not reasonably predict may arise.


8. Events outside our control


8.1 We will not be responsible for any failure to deliver our services or to do anything else which we have promised because of something beyond our reasonable control such as an epidemic, pandemic, lightning, flood, exceptionally severe weather, fire, explosion, war, civil commotion, riot, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack or failure of public or private utility services.

8.2 We will contact you as soon as reasonably practicable if any such circumstances arise and we will try our best to agree with you a new date and time for an appointment. 


9. How to Contact Us

9.1 If you have any questions or complaints, please contact us by calling us on 02045797473

9.2 Alternatively, you can write to us at

9.3 If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will do so by e-mail or post to the address you provide to us in the intake questionnaire.


10. How we may use your personal information

10.1 You understand that we will need certain personal information from you (such as details of any health problems and other treatments you are receiving) in order to provide the services to you.   

10.2 We will use the personal information you provide to us to:

(a) provide the services;

(b) process your payment for such services; and

(c) inform you about similar products or services, news and offers that we provide via email or SMS, but you may stop receiving these at any time by contacting us

 10.3 You hereby consent to us storing any personal and medical and health information belonging to you which may be on any platform used by HUM2N, currently this is Pabau, Function 365, Hubspot, Aircall and Google Suite.  All information will be kept securely password protected. Records will be retained as per the national guidelines for retention of records in the medical sector. 

 10.4 You further acknowledge that if a laboratory test is required, we will share personal details with a 3rd party testing company, some of which may be located outside the UK/EU.

Furthemore, HUM2N does not accept liability for issues relating to body/ tissue samples collected for laboratory testing when the samples are not in our clinic premises. 

10.5 Any medical reports or recommendations may be shared with your GP unless you withdraw consent, but you understand that any health concerns we have that we cannot address must be reported to your GP.

10.6 Anonymised health data may be used for research purposes in the field of preventative and functional medicine


11. Other important terms

11.1 You acknowledge that even though the medical doctors working for HUM2N, including Dr Mohammed Enayat and Dr Nirusa Kumaran, are GPs on the NHS performers list, they are not functioning as a Primary Care GP in their roles at HUM2N but as Functional Medicine GPs and therefore are not obliged to provide primary, acute GP care. If there are any acute medical problems that arise during your health consultation, we will refer you back to your GP or a Private Specialist as indicated. If there are any medical issues that arise that warrant further conventional testing such as but not limited to radiology imaging, we will also refer you back to your GP to arrange the necessary testing 

11.2 By entering into an agreement with us, you consent to the practitioners gathering your personal medical information and data in order to formulate a personalised management or treatment plan. This plan may include recommendations to conduct additional third-party laboratory tests which are not owned or connected to us and third-party companies for supplement recommendations.

11.3 We may get commissions from laboratory testing companies and supplement companies for any laboratory tests or supplements we recommend.

11.4 If you are unclear about the agreed treatment program/food supplement doses/time period, you should contact one of our team promptly for clarification. You must contact us should you wish to continue any specified supplement program for longer than the originally agreed period, to avoid any potential adverse reactions.  You are also advised to report any concerns about the treatment for discussion and action. 

11.5 Supplement credit that has not been utilised in the HUM2N health programmes is permitted to be exchanged for HUM2N therapy credit 

11.6 Any information we give to you must at all times be kept confidential and you are not permitted to share and/or distribute our treatment plans, leaflets or any other materials we provide without our prior written consent.

 11.7 We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation, and we will always notify you in writing if this happens, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these terms.

11.8 This contract is between you and us. Nobody other than you and us will have the right to enforce any of its terms.

11.9 Each of the clauses herein operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the other parts will continue to apply.

11.10 These terms are governed by laws in English and Wales and if you are not happy with how we deal with any disagreement and want to bring court proceedings against us, you must do so within England and Wales.


12. Governing Law 

In the event of any dispute between you and us concerning these Terms, the laws of England will apply. If you wish to take court proceedings against us, you should do so within England, except to the extent that applicable law in your country of residence requires mandatory application of another law and/or jurisdiction and/or language, and such requirement cannot lawfully be excluded under these Terms, in which case such law and/or jurisdiction and/or language shall apply, as far as legally required.